By Mark Senna
Date of publication: 3/26/1998
Welcome back readers and players! We are about to enter M Street Softball's 28th season of play. Last year saw a rise in new talent, teams, and fan support, and we are looking forward to 1998 continuing the trend.

Again this year, look for the weekly M Street Softball article, here in the Tribune, keeping you informed on the latest news and league happenings. Also, for the first time in league history, softball news will soon be available "on-line" through the World Wide Web.

The start of the season is still more than two months away but the talk on the street is already heating up. Currently, the hottest rumor has the once mighty and proud L Street Tavern team making a return. Players mentioned to return include pitching great Paul Alessi, Rob Wright, Kevin Turner, Tony and Marty Jiminez, Jim Burgio, and Donald Bolstad. Another team rumored to enter the league is Richie Linehan's 1997 All-Star team. When asked who would be included on the roster, Linehan replied with a chuckle, "Most of the same guys as last year, with a few new surprises!" If these rumors become truth, it is certain that many more exciting games will take place at M street this summer.

The first league meeting will be held this coming Sunday March 22, at 2pm at the Seapoint Restaurant. All coaches, players, and any individuals interested in entering a new team are asked to attend. This informational meeting will be used to estimate the number of teams expected for the upcoming season. Other issues open for discussion will include possible rule changes, umpires, starting dates, league fees, and more. Please bring your ideas on possible ways of improving the league and any other related issues. We look forward to seeing as many faces as possible on Sunday. Lets start the 1998 M Street Softball season off right!